Showing posts with label site news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label site news. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Announcing my induction to the Blawg 100 Hall of Fame

Blawg 100 Hall of FameMost people assume that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame indicated seminal acts such as the Rolling Stones as part of the museum’s inaugural class. Those assumptions are wrong. The Stones did not earn their enshrinement until 1989, in the Hall’s fourth year.

I guess I’m the Rolling Stones of legal bloggers. Yesterday, the ABA Journal inducted me into its Blawg 100 Hall of Fame, in the fourth year the magazine has bestowed such an honor. It also marks my sixth consecutive (and last) honor in the Blawg 100. As a Hall of Famer, I’m required to stand aside for future Blawg 100 lists to make room for new blood.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is the government out get you? Find out on September 17 at our next breakfast briefing.

Join my partners and me on September 17 as we present Meyers Roman’s next Breakfast Briefing, Is the Government Out to Get You? Essential Human Relations Policies for Compliance.

Recent aggressive initiatives by the EEOC, the DOL, the NLRB, and OSHA and their impact on your business are creating concern and uncertainty in the workplace. Credit/criminal background checks, LGBT discrimination, OSHA investigations, employee misclassification, and social media handbook policies will all be discussed at MRFL’s next Breakfast Briefing focusing on this most timely topic.

Seth Briskin, Chair of our Labor & Employment Practice Group, Jon Hyman, our award-winning employment law blogger, and Steve Dlott, Chair of our Workers’ Compensation Practice Group, will provide an overview of the hot topics on the government’s watch list, critical information of which every Human Relations department and member of management needs to be aware.

WHEN: September 17, 2015
TIME: 7:30 – 8:00 am Registration & Breakfast / 8:00-9:30 Seminar
WHERE: Doubletree by Hilton (3663 Park East Drive, Beachwood, 44122)
COST: Free

***2 Hours of HRCI credit will be given***

Seating is limited. To reserve you space, RSVP to Sara Cox— or 216-831-0042.

Friday, June 26, 2015

My appearance on Stossel, now live on the Internet.

Special bonus on this fine summer Friday. If you missed my appearance on Stossel two weeks ago, Fox Business has posted the episode on its website.

You can watch it here. My segment starts at 18:39.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It’s five in a row for the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100

For the fifth year in a row, I am honored that the ABA Journal has chosen the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog for the Blawg 100, its list of the 100 best legal blogs.

Last night on Twitter, another of the honorees affectionately called me an “employment law nerd” because of my selection. It is a title I wear as a badge of honor. As has been the case for the four prior years, I am thrilled to be on a list of blogs of such high quality written by lawyers who are my friends.

Now comes the shameless part. If you are so inclined, the ABA Journal is asking you to weigh in and vote on your favorites. Go to to register and vote. Voting ends at close of business on Dec. 19, 2014.

Thank you to all my readers.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hear what I had to say on @WCPN about #BanTheBox

Yesterday, WCPN’s The Sound of Ideas was kind enough to invite me to speak about criminal background checks in employment and the “Ban the Box” movement.

Did you miss the live broadcast? 1) shame on you; and 2) today’s your lucky day because WCPN archives all of its broadcasts on its website.

Here you go.

Thanks Mike McIntyre for having me on. Let’s do it again soon.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Listen to me on WCPN tomorrow morning (8/26) from 9–10, discussing “Ban the Box”

If you’re near a radio tomorrow morning from 9 – 10, tune to 90.3 FM, WCPN, to hear me on The Sound of Ideas.

The topic of the day is “Ban the Box,” the disturbing legislative trend that prohibits employers from asking job applicants about criminal conviction histories on job applications. Given that we have an hour to fill, I imagine the discussion will also more broadly cover employment background searches in general.

If you miss the show live, I’ll have links for everyone to stream it at your leisure. You can also watch live on your computer here.

This is my second appearance on The Sound of Ideas, and I’m grateful to the show for having me back.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Announcing a new beginning at Meyers Roman

And to make an end is to make a beginning.
― T.S. Eliot

According to my blogging service, this is my 2,000th post. While this milestone is mind-blowing (at least to me), I am marking this bi-millenium with news of a different kind. Today, I start the next phase of my career at Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis.

Why switch law firms, you ask? It’s hard to quantify “why.” New opportunities, new challenges, new surroundings, etc. In short, I feel energized, which, when you have to get up and go to work everyday, is a really good thing. I am excited by everything Meyers Roman offers to my career and to me. I’m thrilled to join a vibrant firm with a vibrant labor and employment practice.

I’d be remiss if I did not say thank you to the firm that I’ve called home for the past 8 years, and was the only home this blog has known. Kohrman Jackson & Krantz was nothing but supportive of me and this blog, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

For you, my loyal readers, the move will be transparent. Other than seeing a different firm’s logo above the fold, nothing else is going to change (for now). I’ll still bring you daily posts, Monday through Friday, which will still include my famous Friday What I’m Reading weekly recap. Still, new beginnings bring new opportunities, and I’m looking forward to version 2.0 of the blog, which will bring more multimedia, including (if I can get my stuff together) a podcast.

I’d love to hear from anyone and everyone. My new contact information is:
Jon Hyman
Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis
Eton Tower
28601 Chagrin Blvd., Ste. 500
Cleveland, Ohio 44122

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why I Write: Reflections on the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog

Earlier this week, I was tagged in a “blog hop.” “What is a blog hop,” you ask? it is a blog-to-blog chain letter built around a common theme. The theme of this blog hop is writing. My good friend, and author of the Connecticut Employment Law Blog, Dan Schwartz, tagged me in his blog hop. Given that he called me a blogging “rock,” and “great person,” how could I not take up his challenge and continue the chain (especially since Dan and I started our respective blogs within a few months of each all the way back in 2007, and I respect him as much as anyone else in the legal blogosphere).

What am I working on?

The Ohio Employer’s Law Blog (of course). I started my blog in 2007 to fill a niche. There were only a few lawyers blogging in the Cleveland area, and none on labor and employment law. “What a great way to differentiate myself,” I thought. I also love the creative aspect of writing, a love which my blog lets me sate in spades. Let’s face it, no lawyer ever won a prize for the most creative opposition brief. The blog has also let me spread my wings. cross-publishes every post I write on a blog it calls The Practical Employer. I also write a monthly column for Workforce Magazine, and serve on its editorial advisory board. My blog has also allowed me to publish a couple of books (The Employer Bill of Rights and Think Before You Click). In short, the blog has opened up opportunities for me that nothing else could have, and for that I am grateful.

How does my writing differ from others of its genre?

Legal writing is, well, boring and impersonal. I try to break that stereotype. For one, I write about my personal life. I believe that you cannot understand one’s take on an issue unless you under that which influences that person’s life view. So, I’ve written about my wife, my daughter, my son, and even my dog. I’ve also written about vacations (with the kids and without), concerts, and German daughters. Each of these posts provides a glimpse into who I am when I’m not a lawyer, which, in turn, influences who I am as a lawyer. I also try to have fun. I love it when someone emails or tweets their appreciation for a punny title or song reference.

Why do I write what I write?

I write what I write out of love. I know that sounds trite, but I love to write. The Internet is a junk yard of discarded blogs. I am proud that I’ve posted every work day for more than seven years. But, you cannot do that if you write for any reason other than love. I have a passion for labor-and-employment law and a passion for writing. This blog lets me combine the two in a way that I hope is unique and different for my readers.

How does my process work?

The question I am most often asked is some variation of, “Geez, you must spend a lot of time blogging. How do you find the time to blog and practice law?” The reality is that after seven years, it’s not as time intensive as it looks. I consume a ton of information, mostly from Twitter and Feedly. I bookmark those stories or cases that look blog-worthy. I do most of my writing early in the morning or late at night. The speed at which I can post is helped by the fact that I’m not writing law review articles or case briefs. I try to give the quick summary of the issue, and then make a practical point or two for businesses to take away. My audience isn’t necessarily lawyers, so I don’t feel the need to give deep, searing legal analysis. Instead, I try to focus on the practical.

Please check out my blogging friends

Every Friday, I share a list of what I’ve read that week. Weekly, each of the following usually makes an appearance, so the fact that I am tagging them to continue this blog hop shouldn’t surprise them or you:
As for me, I’m taking an extended holiday weekend. Enjoy your 4th, and I’ll see everyone back on Monday morning.

Monday, January 27, 2014

High praise for The Employer Bill of Rights

It’s always nice for someone to post a five-star review of your book on Amazon, but it’s even nicer when one of the most well-respected and insightful HR bloggers writes an entire column singing your book’s praises.

Suzanne Lucas (otherwise known as the Evil HR Lady), at, wrote a review of The Employer Bill of Rights that made me blush. Thank you, Suzanne, for such kind words:
If you want to make sure you avoid getting [sued] in the first place, I highly recommend not only getting an employment lawyer, but reading Hyman’s book. It will give you the information you need to make better choices regarding your employees and your business.
I couldn’t agree more. For those who’ve yet to find my tome, it’s available at the following:
I’ll be back tomorrow with new information to help keep from getting sued, discussing how one court just ruled that the ADA covers temporary impairments.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It’s a four-peat—ABA Journal again names the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog to its list of the top 100 legal blogs #Blawg100

The list of pro sports teams that have four-peated their respective championships is a short one:

  • New York Yankees
  • Boston Celtics
  • Montreal Canadiens
  • New York Islanders

It’s a rare feat indeed.

Thus, I am humbly honored that the ABA Journal has, for the fourth year in a row, named me to its list of the top 100 legal blogs, simply known as the Blawg 100.

According to the ABA Journal, the criteria for inclusion are “blawgs that are regularly updated, contain original content, opinion and/or analysis. Many are also on our radar because the Journal staff finds the posts useful in terms of tipping us off to news or generating posts we consider worthy of coverage.” As for me, the ABA Journal says that I’m included because of my “frank and conversational style of writing, and “the quality of analysis.” Yes, ABA Journal, I’m blushing.

My blog is listed alongside six others in the “Labor & Employment” category (the most robust blawging community, if you ask me), each of which is very deserving of inclusion (in no particular order): Dan Schwartz’s Connecticut Employment Law Blog (and congrats to Dan for his enshrinement in the Blawg 100’s Hall of Fame), Molly DiBianca’s Delaware Employment Law Blog, Eric Meyer’s The Employer Handbook, Jeff Nowak’s FMLA Insights, Donna Ballman’s Screw You Guys, I’m Going Home, and Seyfarth Shaw’s Trading Secrets. I am particularly proud to be in this group because I consider many of these people to be friends, friendships which developed out of our blogs.

So, as we move towards Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful to all of you who have read what I’ve written for the past six and a half years. Cheers! I’ll see everyone back on Monday, as we start the march to number five.

(If you are inclined to cast votes for your favorites among the Blawg 100, you can do so here, registration required).

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Expanding my reach: Announcing my monthly column in Workforce magazine.

It’s been almost a year-and-a-half since I started my relationship with Most days, republishes my blog at The Practical Employer. is the website of Workforce magazine, the world’s oldest HR publication, clocking in at 91 years old.

I was honored when, early this year, Workforce’s editorial director asked me to expand my relationship with the magazine by joining its Editorial Advisory Board. In this role, I, along with a dozen other industry leaders, content experts, and HR executives from leading companies, provide input and guidance into the editorial strategy and execution of the publication.

Part of this editorial strategy was directed at this month’s relaunch of the print magazine. One of the key cogs in this relaunch is the inclusion of monthly columnists in the magazine. To this end, I’ll be anchoring the magazine’s legal section with a monthly column.

You can read my first column—Talkin’ ‘bout Retaliation—in the September issue of Workforce.

September 2013 Workforce

Monday, March 18, 2013

See Me, hear me: Upcoming speaking engagements

Every now and then, I like to update everyone where you can see or hear me wax poetically on all things employment law.

Let’s start with tomorrow (March 19), when I’ll make my triumphant return to DriveThruHR, one of the web’s most popular radio shows discussing human resources. You can listen live at  1 pm on Blog Talk Radio or on You can also follow the conversation on Twitter @drivethruhr and with the hashtag #dthr.

Here’s what else I have planned through the summer:

You can also keep up to date on where I am appearing throughout the year at the Speaking Engagements link at the top of the page. The page also indexes all of my old gigs.

If you are in attendance at any of the live events, please stop by and say hello.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Employer Bill of Rights is (finally) available for Kindle

It took a little head bashing of the fine folks at Amazon, but The Employer Bill of Rights is finally available for download onto your Kindle.

If you’re keeping track, the book is available in the following formats:

Thanks to everyone who has purchased so far, and for the kind words I’ve received from those who’ve read the book. Now, on to the best seller list…

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Officially announcing the release of The Employer Bill of Rights

After a “soft launch” a couple of weeks ago, I am officially announcing the launch of my latest book, The Employer Bill of Rights: A Manager’s Guide to Workplace Law. It is a practical handbook designed to help business owners, managers, supervisors, and human resources professionals navigate the ever-changing maze of labor and employment laws, rules, and regulations. Among other topics, it covers—

  • How to make personnel decisions that will help avoid costly litigation.
  • The who, what, why, when, where, and how of each of the major federal employment discrimination laws.
  • Cutting-edge human resources issues such as wage-and-hour disputes and managing social media in the workplace.
  • How to hire and fire employee without the fear of an expensive lawsuit.
  • How to control operations by implementing legal policies and procedures related to plant shut downs, employee scheduling, work rules, and the maintenance of confidential information.
  • The importance of following the Golden Rule in all personnel matters.

I’m really proud of how the book turned out.

I have a lot of people to thank. Here’s what I wrote in the book’s acknowledgements:

First, I must thank all of my partners at Kohrman Jackson & Krantz and, especially, our managing partner, Marc Krantz, who knows that there exist many ways for a lawyer to market himself or herself. He never hesitated when I suggested that I author a legal blog or write a book (or two), and for his support I am eternally grateful.

Before attending law school, I worked at a few jobs that were less than glamorous. To all of the people who shared those jobs with me, thank you for unknowingly and unwittingly helping me craft my views on the modern workplace.

Thank you to anyone who has ever published anything I have written, quoted me in an article, hosted me on a show, invited me to speak at an event, re-tweeted one of my 140-character thoughts, or linked to my blog. Without each of you, this book would not have occurred.

I thank the wonderful publishing team at Apress—Jeff Olson, Robert Hutchinson, and Rita Fernando—along with the publisher itself. They made the writing process work smoothly, which was essential as I juggled the authoring of this book with my full-time legal practice. They also patiently put up with my less-than-perfect execution of their SharePoint site as we worked though the editorial process.

Thank you to my parents, who taught me the value of education without ever pushing too hard.

Finally, thank you to my family—Colleen, Norah, and Donovan. You put up with my late-night and early-morning blogging and writing. You sometimes suffer in my absence caused by long workdays, late nights, or out-of-town trips. Yet, if I did not know that you are always standing behind me, none of it would be worth it. Thank you for loving me for who I am and supporting me for what I do.

If you want to purchase the book, it’s available in several places and formats:

I have also been told that an iBooks version is coming, although Apple runs a tad behind the others on its approvals.

I cannot think of a better stocking stuffer for that special business owner, manager, supervisor, or HR professional in your life. Amazon will even gift wrap it for you.

If you want to hear me talk about the book, you can tune in tomorrow to Stephanie Thomas’s The Proactive Employer. I’ll be live at 3 pm (and available on-demand thereafter) to discuss why employers need a bill of rights, the areas of greatest legal concern for employers, and how my book can help businesses make informed decisions and hedge against the biggest errors that too often result in expensive and time-consuming lawsuits.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It’s a Blawg 100 Three-Peat

Edward James Olmos once said, “I didn’t get into this business to get awards.” And while that may be true, it certainly is nice to be recognized.

Yesterday afternoon, the ABA Journal announced its annual list of the top 100 legal blogs, which it calls the Blawg 100. I was fortunate enough to be part of this list in 2010 and 2011, and equally fortunate that the ABA Journal recognized me again this year as part of its 6th annual list.

The labor & employment blawgosphere is among the richest, and I am pleased that I am sharing this honor with five fellow bloggers, each of whom I consider a friend.

(For what it’s worth, this list is short by two. Next year, I hope that Eric Meyer’s The Employer Handbook Blog and Robin Shea’s Employment & Labor Insider join the list.)

Now comes the part where I graciously and unapologetically ask for your help. Between now and December 21, you have the opportunity to vote for your favorite blawg. All you need to do is go to, register, and vote. You’ll find my blog under the “Labor & Employment” category. Thank you for your support.

Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you to the ABA Journal for, once again, deeming my little project worthy of your recognition. It is much appreciated.

Tomorrow, I start my march toward a four-peat, with a post on the Supreme Court’s oral argument in Vance v. Ball State Univ., which will (maybe) answer the important question of who qualifies as a supervisor under Title VII.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Are you attending the COSE Small Business Convention?

Will you be at Kalahari for the COSE Small Business Convention? If so, I’m speaking at tomorrow—Friday, October 26, at 10:15. My session is entitled, Think Before You Click: Strategies for Managing Social Media in the Workplace.

What will you learn?

  • Why discrimination, breaches of confidentiality, and protected concerted activity are the 3 biggest HR risks facing employers via their employees' use of social media.
  • Why you are fighting a losing battle if you try to ban your employees from accessing Facebook and other social sites from work for personal reasons.
  • How to limit your risk when you search for information on job candidates online.
  • What a "pervy wanker" has to do with concepts such as corporate risk tolerance.
  • How to account for who owns official corporate social media channels.
  • Whether anyone can make any sense out of the NLRB's position on social media posts as protected concerted activity.
Plus, I promise a prize for at least one person who attends my session. How can you pass up my talk?

If you’re at the convention, please stop by and say hello. I love meeting my readers. I hope to see you there.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Please indulge me while I shill (about my new book) for a second

shilling coin I try not to shill too often. Sure, I let you know when and where you can see me speak (October 16 at the HR Compliance Conference / October 26 at the COSE Small Business Convention … please stop by and say hi). More often than not, though, I try to give a healthy dose of employment law news and information without any hard sells.

Today, however, is different. Yesterday, I completed my draft of The Employer Bill of Rights (of which I am extremely proud).

Here’s the description, courtesy of Amazon:

The Employer Bill of Rights: A Manager’s Guide to Workplace Law is a practical handbook designed to help managers and business owners navigate the ever-changing maze of labor and employment laws, rules, and regulations….

The Employer Bill of Rights: A Manager’s Guide to Workplace Law aids employers in navigating choppy personnel waters. It instructs employers on the ins and outs of the various laws. It provides employers with the confidence to make hiring, firing, and other personnel decisions free from the fear of litigation. No personnel decision or policy is litigation-proof, but The Employer Bill of Rights: A Manager’s Guide to Workplace Law will help businesses make informed decisions to hedge against the biggest blunders and errors that too often result in expensive and time-consuming lawsuits….

The Employer Bill of Rights: A Manager’s Guide to Workplace Law targets the owners of small to mid-size businesses and the managers that work in them. These businesses usually lack a dedicated in-house counsel responsible for, or knowledgeable in, labor and employment law. They often may also lack a human resources department. Without these internal resources, such businesses often shoot from the hip when making hiring, firing, pay, and other personnel decisions. Because of the intricacies and nuances of the ever-changing world of labor and employment law, these decisions can lead to costly mistakes. This book ensures that each personnel decision is made with the law—and the company’s best interests—in mind.

I’ll have a lot more to say about the book when (fingers crossed) it’s officially released on November 21, including some well-deserved thanks to my publisher, who has been invaluable as I navigated the writing process, and my partners, who provide me the freedom to chase these white rabbits down the hole.

For now, however, if you want to purchase some early holiday gifts, the book is on a pre-order sale at Amazon. I can’t think of a better stocking stuffer for that special HR person in your life.

Tomorrow, we’re back to your regularly scheduled employment law info.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Heads Up: My RSS feed has changed

For those of you who follow the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog via RSS. I have changed the RSS feed for the sight.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can skip the rest of this post. If you receive your daily updates via email, you can also skip the rest of this post; you’ve already been moved over, and, except for a new look to the daily email update, you won’t notice any difference and shouldn’t miss any updates.

If, however, you subscribe to the RSS feed, and read updates in a reader such as Google Reader, then please read on.

Historically, I used FeedBurner to provide the site’s feed. Google acquired FeedBurner a few years ago. Many believe that Google will soon shut FeedBurner down. In fact, last week Google shut down one major piece of FeedBurner, with only one day’s notice.

I cannot sit around and wait for Google to do the same with the entire FeedBurner service. So, I’ve migrated the feed from FeedBurner to FeedBlitz. For now, you should not see any interruptions. However, if FeedBurner shuts down, you will stop getting updates unless you re-subscribe to the new feed.

So that you do not miss any updates, please take a moment and re-subscribe to the new feed address:

I know that a lot of you read my content via RSS. Please know that I’ve done my best to minimize disruptions, and accept my apology in the unlikely event you experience any inconvenience from the change.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Radio/Podcast appearance: Being Smart About Social Media in the Workplace

This Thursday, May 24, at 3 pm, Molly DiBianica (proprietor of the Delaware Employment Law Blog and tweeter extraordinaire @MollyDiBi) and I will be guests on The Proactive Employer, hosted by Stephanie Thomas

We will be discussing all things social media for employers, including providing tips on workplace social media policies, offering suggestions on how to ensure employees are using social media safely, and talking about how companies can be be smart about social media.

We will also be taking live questions, both via Twitter with the hashtag #TPE, and via call-in at (866) 472-5790. If you can’t join us live, the episode will also be available for streaming or download.

Molly and I go way back in the blawgosphere. She also contributed the chapter on privacy to my social media book, Think Before You Click, Strategies for Manging Social Media in the Workplace. Please tune in for what should be a very engaging and interesting conversation.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I’ll be guesting at Lunch with DriveThruHR, tomorrow at 1 pm

Tomorrow, I’ll be spending my lunch with DriveThruHR, human resource’s #1 daily radio show. You can listen live at 1 pm EDT at, which will also archive the show for future listening.

I’m looking forward to my half-hour with hosts Bryan Wempen and William Tincup, talking about HR and whatever else keeps me up at night with corporate organizations. Questions or comments during the show? You can call in at (347) 996-5600, or tweet using #dthr or @drivethruhr.