Friday, October 18, 2024

WIRTW #735: the 'client' edition

Being a party in a lawsuit is a humbling experience for any lawyer. After decades of representing clients, I recently found myself on the other side—this time as a plaintiff. I can't dive into specifics, but the experience left me with several important lessons to share.

First, the emotional weight of litigation is real. No matter how rational or well-prepared you are, being a party in a lawsuit brings an element of personal stress that's hard to fully understand until you've lived it. It's a good reminder that when clients seem frustrated or overwhelmed, it's not just the legal process—they're feeling the impact of uncertainty on their life or business.

One surprising lesson I learned is the importance of patience. As lawyers, we often forget how slow litigation can feel from the client's perspective. Every delay, motion, or rescheduled meeting drags out the process. Experiencing those delays firsthand gave me a deeper understanding of how frustrating it can be to wait for answers. Moving forward, I'll be more mindful of this in my practice and do what I can to streamline things for my clients whenever possible.

Lastly, I learned how valuable a settlement can be. It's easy to get wrapped up in "winning," but the truth is, not every battle is worth dragging out. Compromise, when approached strategically, isn't a defeat—it's a way to bring closure, minimize risk, and move on to what matters most.

This experience gave me new perspective to carry into my practice. Sometimes the best insights come from walking a mile in someone else's shoes, or this case my own shoes from the other side of the street.

In other news, Lake Ridge Academy won their opening round playoff game last night versus Shaw, 8 – 0. They are now into the District Semifinal next Thursday against an opponent tbd. 

Donovan had a ball on his foot in the box, but did not think he could get the shot off before the defender closed on him, so he made the unselfish play and passed to a teammate. 

Stay tuned for further updates next week.

Here's what I read this week that you should read, too.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Keeping politics civil at work

With the 2024 election right around the corner, it's inevitable that political talk will creep into your workplace. And let's be honest—politics today isn't exactly a calm or respectful topic of conversation. As a result, political discussions can quickly escalate into political conflicts and HR nightmares.
Just because the world outside may feel divided and hostile, however, doesn't mean your workplace has to be.

Here are 5 tips to keep your workplace civil during these most uncivil of times.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

One headache of an FMLA case

SEPTA fired Ephriam Rodriquez from his job as a bus driver for excessive absences. Rodriguez sued, claiming that the termination violated his rights under the FMLA because a migraine headache caused his final absence (a fact of which he advised SEPTA prior to his termination). 

The 3rd Circuit concluded that the FMLA did not protect Rodriquez's absence because his migraines did not qualify as a "serious health condition."

Monday, October 14, 2024

The 11th nominee for the Worst Employer of 2024 is … the high-risk terminator

"There might be something wrong with my daughter's heart." 

That's the message Chelsey Beck sent to her manager the morning she was supposed to start new-hire training at Victra, a Verizon retailer. She needed to go to her doctor immediately and would need to miss training that day.

The manager's response? "I'm so sorry to hear about that and I hope everything is okay. Please let me know if you need anything. I'll send positive vibes your way and hope it was a mistake."

So far so good.

But he continued.

Friday, October 11, 2024

WIRTW #734: the 'working for the parents' weekend' edition

It's a rite of passage for all moms and all dads of college students — Parents' Weekend. We spent last weekend at Ohio Wesleyan's Parents' Weekend with Norah. We ate, we shopped, we ate some more, and we shared a cup of coffee with her French professor. It was a great weekend, and you can hear all about it on the most recent episode of the Norah and Dad Show, which you can find on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, Overcast, the web, and anywhere else you get your podcasts.

Here's what I read this week that you should read, too.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

SCOTUS to weigh in on the burden of proof in "reverse" discrimination cases

The purpose of our workplace discrimination laws is to ensure that all employees are treated equally, right? Maybe … but maybe not.

Next term, the Supreme Court will hear the appeal of Marlean Ames, a straight woman who sued the Department of Youth Services for sex discrimination under Title VII. She claimed she was discriminated against her because of her sexual orientation, alleging that she was passed over for a promotion, demoted, and that a gay man was then promoted into her former position.

Ames claimed sex discrimination, but the 6th Circuit disagreed, citing her failure to establish the necessary "background circumstances."

What are the "background circumstances" needed to show that an employer is among the small subset that discriminates against the majority? According to the 6th Circuit, "Plaintiffs typically make that showing with evidence that a member of the relevant minority group (here, gay people) made the employment decision at issue, or with statistical evidence showing a pattern of discrimination by the employer against members of the majority group." Ames lost because she showed neither.

Tipped wages and sexual harassment

"Are you on the dessert menu? Because you look yummy."

First, ick!
Secondly, these are the types of comments to which customers expose servers in the hospitality industry on the regular. In fact, the restaurant industry has more sexual harassment claims than any other industry, with as many as 90% of women report experiencing some form of sexual harassment. In large part, I blame tipped wages.

Friday, October 4, 2024

WIRTW #733: the 'truth is out there' edition

I think I saw an UFO yesterday morning.
Like most workdays, I let the dog out at 6:30 AM. When I went to let him back in, something in the dark, pre-dawn sky caught my attention. I saw two brightly lit orbs hovering at an altitude similar to an airplane. I say "hovering" because they weren't still like stars, nor were they flying across the sky like airplanes. There was movement, but it was different—almost as if they were floating. Then, they started to move, oddly and unnaturally, yet in perfect sync. I rushed to grab my phone to record it, but by the time I returned, they were gone.

I have no idea what I saw. It definitely wasn't stars or airplanes—they don't move like that. Could it have been drones? Maybe, but they seemed too high up. Plus, who flies drones at 6:30 AM?

I'm not arrogant enough to believe we're the only intelligent life in the vastness of our galaxy, let alone the universe. But to witness something like that in my little corner of the Earth? I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not prepared to say I saw a UFO for certain, but I'd like to think I did.

Here's what I read this week that you should read, too.