Friday, February 1, 2019

WIRTW #540 (the “wheels off” edition)

The one question people ask me more than any other about this blog? "How do you write every day?"

My answer, "Because I love it."

The practice of law, for all of its challenges and rewards, can be mundane. This blog lets me be creative. I love the creativity of sharing information in a manner that makes it accessible and entertaining. If I didn't love this creative process, this blog would have died long ago, instead of just having passed 3,000(!) posts since it's inception nearly 12 years ago.

It is because of my love of this creative process that I implore you to check out Rhett Miller's new podcast, Wheels Off. It's conversations with creative people about their creative processes. Each of the first three episodes are outstanding listens, but my favorite thus far, the most interesting and engaging discussion, is Rhett's talk with Rosanne Cash. (Labor law bonus points for Cash, who discusses the musical she's writing based on the story of famous union organizer Norma Rae.)

The earnestness and passion of each as they share why they create as their careers is genuine and moving.

If you create anything in your lives, either as a vocation or avocation, or have any interest at all in those who do, I implore you to subscribe to Wheels Off in your podcast app of choice, and add each episode to your weekly listen.

Here's what I read this week:


HR & Employee Relations


Wage & Hour


OSHA & Safety