Wednesday, December 6, 2017

New Year’s Resolutions — NLRB-style

Have you started thinking about your New Year’s resolutions for 2018?

The NLRB’s newly minted general counsel, Peter Robb, has, and employers will be very happy.

According to NLRB General Counsel Memo 18-02 [pdf], issued December 1, Robb will be examining all NLRB precedents changed during President Obama’s administration.

The memo specifically directs regional board officials to consult Robb’s office on all cases involving precedent established on workers’ rights in “the last eight years,” and any others involving “significant legal issues.”

He also rescinded seven agency guidance memos that were issued by his Democratic-appointed predecessors (most significantly including the rescission of the NLRB’s controversial 2015 memo on employee handbook policies).

What other targets are on Robb’s radar?

Happy New Year, indeed.