Monday, January 16, 2012

What Dr. King fought for … and what he didn’t

What MLK fought for…

From, discussing the resolution of a story on which I reported last month:

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission dismissed a landlord’s claim today that a “white only” pool sign was simply an historical antique sign and ruled that it was discriminatory…. The five-member commission decided unanimously on the matter, upholding an earlier ruling…. [According to the landlord,] “If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”

What MLK did not fight for…

From Brown v. Village of Woodmere [pdf], a race discrimination case decided last week by the Cuyahoga County Court of Appeals:

Brown further admitted that he was aware of the village’s electronic use policy and his use of the sergeant’s computer was in violation of the policy…. The mayor testified that she terminated Brown after she viewed the pornographic images that were on the sergeant’s computer; the images included pictures of Brown’s genitalia…. Under the circumstances presented in this case, summary judgment on Brown’s racial discrimination claim was entirely appropriate

Any questions?