Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Repeat after me – Don’t bring guns to work

bugs00 Driving into work this morning, I listened to a legitimate debate over whether the NBA should suspend Gilbert Arenas and his teammate, Javaris Crittenton, for pulling guns on each other during a late-2009 locker room confrontation. While a D.C. grand jury considers whether to indict Arenas, he tweets that he is the new John Wayne.

There is simply no excuse that an employee can make for this level of egregious misconduct. Arenas claims that he was joking when invited Crittenton to choose one of three guns to settle their gambling debt disagreement, but that does not even come close to excusing the misconduct. Yet, the media is having a legitimate debate over whether the NBA should fine Arenas, suspend him, or wait for the criminal justice system to have its say.

Let me make this real simple for everyone. If an employee brings a gun into your workplace, that employee should be fired, period. The fact that we can even have a discussion over the fate of Gilbert Arenas underscores the point that the world in which professional athletes live and work is not the same as ours.

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