Friday, September 26, 2008


It's been a fairly light week, but I still have a few gems to pass along from my fellow bloggers:

The HR Capitalist writes on the bane of every lawyer's and businessperson's spouse, Blackberry addiction.

The Connecticut Employment Law Blog dissects whether there is a right or wrong answer to using social networking sites in employment decisions. For my thoughts on this issue, see Revisiting the Facebooking of job applicants.

HR World reports on Working Mother Magazine's annual list of the 100 best companies for working moms.

Wage & Hour -- Developments & Highlights discusses a case recently filed in the Northern District of Ohio, which seeks to determine whether topless dancers are employees or independent contractors.

BLR's HR Daily Advisor tells us how companies beg to be sued.

Finally, Jottings by an Employer's Lawyer discusses Walmart's ongoing wage and hour problems.