Friday, July 18, 2008


Actually, I'm not reading much this week, but I have pegged a few articles that might be of interest to everyone.

First, congratulations to Michael Fox. His Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer, the granddaddy of employment law blogs, celebrated its 6th anniversary this week. In honor of this milestone, he has graciously published a list of his colleagues around the country who have jumped on the employment law blogging bandwagon since he started.

The Delaware Employment Law Blog takes us to school with a great FMLA hypothetical spun out of Brad and Angelina's twins.

BLR's HR Daily Advisor asks whether employers have a duty to accommodate employees' alcoholism.

Finally, the Connecticut Employment Law Blog calls out the PC police on the term "intellectual disability," and asks what's wrong with good old fashioned "mental retardation." It's a valid question, but with the times, acceptable lingo changes. Just as it's no longer in vogue to refer to black people as "colored," our refined sensibilities have called into question some of the terminology we use to refer to the disabled.