Friday, December 17, 2010

WIRTW #157 (the naughty or nice edition)

Peter the Elf graces our home every year between Thanksgiving night and Christmas Eve. He’s my family’s Elf on the Shelf. If you don’t have kids (or don’t celebrate Christmas), the Elf on the Shelf (available at Amazon and other fine retailers) is Santa’s eyes and ears. Each night after the kids go to bed he flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa on whether the kids are being naughty or nice. Each morning, before the kids awaken, he returns, perched in a different spot. The children can talk to Peter, but he is not allowed to talk back. But, if they touch Peter, he loses his Christmas magic and cannot fly back to the North Pole to tell Santa how good they’ve been (although I guess if they’ve been naughty they have nothing to lose).

My daughter (age 4½) added these words of wisdom about Peter in deciding to get dressed in her bedroom instead of our family room: “I don’t want Peter to see me naked. Then I’ll definitely get rocks for Christmas.”

Employers, were you naughty or nice in 2010? There’s still time to get on my nice list by clicking over to the ABA Blawg 100 and casting your vote for the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog.

Here are two great holiday-related posts I read this week:

Here’s the rest of what I read this week:


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