Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Coronavirus Update 8-25-21: Inside the Five responds to John Mandel, and they are not happy

An update on Monday's post, about a Toledo-area brewery that got canceled over a tweet by Senate candidate John Mandel congratulating a sick employee for reporting to work. The restaurant is none too happy with ol' Joshy.

One of its owners made their position on sick employees very clear to Toledo's WTVG:

It is our policy for employees to inform all management before coming to work. As soon as we found out, we sent our employee home.

The correct response. Sick employees don't work, period, especially during a global pandemic of an airborne virus.

As for Mandel, he has yet to comment further on the controversy, other than this follow-up Tweet late last week.

For what it's worth, if you happen to live in Ohio, please cast your 2022 Senate vote for literally anyone other than John Mandel. No one in the history of American politics ever wanted a job more and yet was qualified for it less — a dangerous combination of ambition and incompetence.