Friday, July 9, 2021

WorldatWork’s Work in Progress podcast—Episode 118: A Conversation with Employment/Labor Attorney Jon Hyman

This week marks my record-setting third appearance on WorkatWork's Work in Progress podcast. Tune in to listen to me talk about employer vaccination policies, transgender bathroom rights, workplace drug testing, and an assortment of other controversial issues in between. We also started our conversation with a bonus chat on the latest RRHOF inductees. Which one am I most excited about? You'll have to listen to find out.

A huge thank you to Charles Epstein and Tom Alexander for inviting me back on. Tom, I'm anxiously awaiting receipt of a Popeye's chicken sandwich as my "three-timer" award. I'm just hoping it's delivered in the form of a value-appropriate gift card and not an actual sandwich. 

You can listen below, or wherever you get your podcasts.