Friday, July 21, 2017

WIRTW #468 (the “big in Japan” edition)

True story. While trekking between San Francisco’s Coit Tower and Lombard Street, we passed a group of Japanese tourists exiting their bus. One of girls, wearing a striped shirt sort of similar to Norah’s striped dress, asked if she could take a selfie with Norah. A little Puzzled and very curious, my wife asked, “Is it because you’re both wearing stripes?” “No,” she replied, “It’s because she’s so pretty.”

Somewhere in Japan, Norah has a fan club of a half-dozen girls, all with Norah selfies on their phones.

While I’m on the subject of Miss Norah, she has some pretty cool gigs coming up over the next two weeks.

Here’s what I read this week:



HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour


OSHA & Safety

And now, this (h/t Ed Sotelo for reminding me of this classic episode of The Simpsons):