Friday, November 18, 2016

WIRTW #439 (the “Texas teardrops” edition)

It’s been a bad week for the Department of Labor in Texas, and it could get a whole lot worse before the month is over.

On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Sam Cummings issued a permanent injunction preventing the DOL from implementing its controversial persuader rule.

Also this week, the Texas federal judge hearing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s challenge to the DOL’s impending overtime rule change (set to take effect Dec. 1) announced that he will issue a ruling by Nov. 22 on whether to enjoin the new white-collar salary threshold. Stay tuned.

If both cases go employers’ way, the DOL will definitely be crying Texas tears over its Thanksgiving turkey.

Here’s what else I read this week:



HR & Employee Relations

Wage & Hour


OSHA & Safety