Friday, September 9, 2016

WIRTW #429 (the "top 10" edition)

Blame it on the Labor Day holiday and the resulting short work week, but the labor and employment news has been a bit scarce this week. So, instead of my usual categorical breakdown of the week’s best posts, I am listing them as a (sort of) top 10.

Here are the top ten labor and employment law posts from this past week (not written by me, and not really in any particular order):

10 — The Not-so-Reluctant Time Traveler — via Dave Tippett at The Employers’ Association

8 — Independent Contractors and the National Labor Relations Board — via Mike Haberman’s Omega HR Solutions

6 — While you may not need a masters in FMLA, spotting leave requests can be tough — via Eric Meyer’s The Employer Handbook Blog

5 — Shoddy Harassment Investigation Can Still Lead to Liability, Court Rules — via Dan Schwartz’s Connecticut Employment Law Blog

3 — How to make the EEOC love you (retaliation edition) — via Robin Shea’s Employment & Labor Insider

And the number one labor and employment law post of the week (not written by me) — What Kind of Lawyer Should I Hire For My Job Problem? — via Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas

Until next week…