Friday, April 24, 2009


Courtesy of Anthony Zaller at the California Employment Law Report, the link of the week is How to Nail and Interview. The author of that site posted a fake job on craigslist for a marketing position and recorded the interviews. Hilarity ensued. My personal favorites are #9, in which the applicant is caught off-guard when pressed on her inappropriate Facebook page, and #13, where the applicant hoped her willingness to “do anything” would score her the job. It is definitely clicking over and watching some of the videos.

In other news, from Martha Neil at the ABA Journal is a story about two Dominos Pizza employees who thought it was a good idea to perform inappropriate acts on customers’ food and post the videos on YouTube. Not only were they fired, but they are also facing criminal charges for food tampering.

Nick Fishman at the EmployeescreenIQ Blog has more on Ohio’s attempt to ban the use of credit reports in employment decisions.

George’s Employment Blawg reports on a $17.5 million verdict in a trade secret theft case.

The Laconic Law Blog tells how an employee’s use of profanity directed at his employer cost him any protection against retaliation.

Tim Eavenson at Current Employment uses news of 2 recent EEOC settlements to instruct on preventing HR catastrophes.

Michael Haberman at HR Observations makes an observation workplace privacy and social networking.

Finally, this week brought us oral argument in Ricci v. DeStefano, which will decide whether the city of New Haven violated Title VII when it declined to certify the results of an exam that would have make disproportionately more white applicants eligible for promotion than minority applicants. In layman’s terms, is it discriminatory to void a test that disproportionately favors white applicants over minority applicants. For very detailed analysis of these issues and the Supreme Court oral argument, read Dan Schwartz at the Connecticut Employment Law Blog and Marcia McCormick at the Workplace Prof Blog.

Presented by Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, with offices in Cleveland and Columbus.

For more information, contact Jon Hyman, a partner in our Labor & Employment group, at (216) 736-7226 or