Friday, January 23, 2009


If you check out only one other link this week, click over the Connecticut Employment Law Blog, where Dan Schwartz writes an Inauguration Day letter to President Obama on what he hopes to see for employers over the next four years.

In other Inauguration-related news, the Delaware Employment Law Blog shares some thoughts on work-life balance and Michelle Obama.

The Evil HR Lady answers a question on the pro-rating of exempt employees’ salaries based on the number of hours they work each week. If an employer prorates a salary based on the number of hours worked, the employee almost certainly isn’t exempt.

George’s Employment Blawg points out some common employment application mistakes.

The Word on Employment Law with John Phillips, with a nod to Execupundit, lists the top 7 reasons employees don’t go to HR. For what it’s worth, I’d re-rank the top 2 as fear of retaliation and fear of company bias.

LawMemo Employment Law Blog reports on the Supreme Court’s decision in Locke v. Karass, which held that a local union can lawfully charge nonmembers for national litigation expenses.