Friday, February 1, 2008

What else I'm reading this week #16

Last week, I gave everyone my thoughts on IBM's reaction to its $65 million wage and hour settlement (An expectational argument for overtime pay). HR World has been kind enough to compile some other thoughts from around the blogosphere on this topic, and let's just say I'm decidedly in the minority.

The HR Capitalist comments on the pitfalls of political banter in the workplace.

John Phillips' Word on Employment Law has a timely post on how e-mails and instant messages can come back to haunt those who use their work computers for evil.

Tracy Coenen's Fraud Files comments on the extension of unemployment benefits under President Bush's economic stimulus package, and opines that it will actually hurt the economy by de-incentivizes people from working.

Suits in the Workplace discusses a 2nd Circuit case in which a doctor was found to be an employee and not an independent contract, and therefore covered by Title VII.

Finally, Workplace Privacy Counsel reports on the California Supreme Court's proclamation that an employee's legal use of medical marijuana does not insulate that employee from being terminated for failing a drug test.